Unity church of christianity tulsa
Unity church of christianity tulsa

unity church of christianity tulsa

However, the focus has been mainly on biblical hermeneutics and on a hermeneutics of tradition. Hermeneutics is not a new topic for the Ecumenical Movement. Finally, I shall try to describe the relevance of an ecumenical hermeneutics to this dialogue (IV). Leonardo Boff (II) and Raimon Panikkar (III). This perspective is then being brought into dialogue with the trinitarian theology of two eminent theologians from two very different contexts. In the following, I shall present the FO-paper within its history, highlighting what I find most important for the purpose of this study (I). The Commission of Faith and Order (FO) of the World Council of Churches (WCC) dedicated, from 1993 to 1998, a specific study to the subject and published its results.

unity church of christianity tulsa

It also seeks to explore the significance of the Ecumenical Movement as an expression of the "hermeneutical community" of the Church and to formulate criteria for discernment. 1 Ecumenical hermeneutics is an attempt to unveil the reasons for the apparent lack of agreement through the analysis of the divergent ways of understanding Scripture and its tradition, as well as for the difficulty of mutual understanding between Christians.

unity church of christianity tulsa

It has become notorious, especially in the Ecumenical Movement, that an understanding between such divergent manifestations of Christianity is difficult and, indeed, often bound to fail. Thus, differing ways of Christian life and faith as well as diverging theological reflections based on them can be noted, and their compatibility cannot simply be taken for granted. The plurality of Christianity in general, of theological positions in particular, has become most obvious. Without them, this study would not have been possible. Dedicated to my friends and teachers of UTC, the living and those who have, sadly, passed away since my stay in 1997, with deep gratitude for their hospitality and help in cultural and intellectual bridge-building.

Unity church of christianity tulsa